The MaxJax was created in the year 2008 in Southern California by one of BendPak’s engineers, after a few weeks of machining, cutting and welding, a proof of concept was born. It worked, and it worked fabulously. Since its first introduction in 2008, BendPak has been improving it ever since. It now has automatic safety locks, beefed up arm restraints and is ALI & CE approved on top of some other significant product enhancements that developed over time. You can read about all of the current features on this website.
As global leaders in the automotive industry, our ambition, passion and commitment are to keep looking at the market and opportunities that present themselves with a fresh outlook. So that we can continue building brands that evolve as benchmarks of excellence. Rather than overhauling past traditions, we will wisely take the successes from those strategies while at the same time continue looking for new inspirations and perspectives that will benefit our customers.

Our mission
BendPak is the world’s leading distributor of car lifts and automotive service equipment, because we offer the highest quality products, best service after the sale and most impressive delivery speeds, all while holding fast to the strongest company culture in the industry.
Our values
Our ongoing goal is to engage candidly and professionally with distributors and individuals interested in our products. We will use every means available to present our wares in the most convenient way possible.
Our solution
Continue growing a business in providing and distributing products that better people’s lives, now and for future generations.
Who is behind MaxJax? About BendPak